No. 86.
Mr. Williamson to Mr. Fish.

No. 230.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I took the liberty to accept the invitation of the British chargé d’affaires to be present at the firing of the salute to the British flag at San José de Guatemala, in accordance with the terms of settlement of the Magee question.

As the officials here are very sensitive, I took the precaution to ascertain from the minister of foreign affairs and prime minister whether my presence on the occasion would be altogether agreeable to the government of Guatemala. They assured me they would be pleased at my being present.

The salute was fired in the most formal manner, in the presence of the commanding general of the forces of Guatemala, General Solaris, and his staff, the British rear-admiral, Cochrane, and the officers of the part of his squadron, four ships, at San José, the British chargé d’affaires, and other distinguished persons, and myself.

There were also present, under arms, about 200 troops of Guatemala, and a like number of marines and sailors from the British ships.

By the invitation of Admiral Cochrane, I had the honor of enjoying his hospitality on board of his flag-ship, the Repulse, while I was at the port.

At the official dinner given by the admiral on the Repulse, after the salute was fired, “The President of the United States” was one of the regular toasts, to which I responded.

So the Magee affair has finally terminated. Guatemala has apologized. [Page 129] She has gone through the form of trial and punishment of the criminals, Gonzalez and Bulnes; she has paid the $50,000 indemnity, and fired the salute to the British flag at the place the outrage occurred.

I have, &c.,