No 85.
Mr. Williamson to Mr. Fish.

No. 221.]

Sir: As the amount of correspondence of a country is an element of calculation in forming an opinion of its progress in civilization, I have the honor to send you herewith a comparative tabulated statement, published on the 21st of this month by the post-office department of Guatemala.

It is said to be the first public paper of the kind ever published in Central America. I shall take the liberty of suggesting to the postmaster-general, whom I know quite well, and who is one of the most [Page 128] progressive men I have met with in Central America, that it would be well to show, in his next statement, the amount of domestic and foreign correspondence separately, and also to make separate columns by countries for foreign correspondence.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 221.]

Comparative statement of the correspondence coming in and going oat, by the general administration of mails of Guatemala, for the years 1870, 1871, 1872, and 1873.

Years. Received. Sent. Total. Receipts. Disbursements.
Letters. Printed matter. Letters. Printed matter. Letters. Printed matter.
1870 41,208 11,961 38,745 10,220 79,953 22,136 $14,268 40 $13,677 56
1871 39,300 13,318 33,838 12,603 73,138 25,912 15,783 00 14,926 40
1872 51,298 19,625 47,051 24,283 98,349 43,908 22,173 50 21,723 34
1873 59,280 20,863 54,236 21,184 113,516 42,047 21,232 78 21,144 70

General administration of the mails.