No. 365.
General Sickles to Mr. Fish.
United States
Legation in Spain,
Madrid, December 16, 1872.
(Received January 6, 1873.)
No. 509.]
Sir: I have the honor to forward herewith a
translation of a report of a meeting of the leading personages belonging to
the several reactionary parties and groups opposing the present cabinet,
held for the purpose of organizing a league to defeat the measures of
colonial reform announced by His Majesty’s government.
Carlists, Alfonsinos, conservative constitutionalists, moderadors, colonial
clubs, and a person calling himself a republican, a Mr. Eugenio
Garcia Ruiz, made up this remarkable assemblage. You will be
surprised, perhaps, to notice among the prominent actors on the occasion the
Duke de la Torre, Admiral Topeté,
Mr. Sagasta, Romero Robledo, Mr.
Ayala, Mr. Balaguer, and
others, who, as members of previous cabinets, have heretofore declared
themselves in favor of the action now taken by Mr.
Zorilla’s administration respecting colonial
reform. In Appendix C you will find a leading article from El Impartial,
containing abundant proof of this inconsistency. Marshal
Serrano was at the head of the cabinet in May,
1871. The policy of his administration in relation to colonial reform, as
indicated in the speech from the throne, and in the address of the chamber
of deputies, is not distinguishable from that now being carried out by Mr.
Zorrilla. Eighty-six conservative deputies, whose
names are italicized in Appendix D, then voted for the address, which
contained a distinct pledge to concede political rights to Porto Rico, and
acknowledged that the war in Cuba was the result of past colonial
And apart from the statements made to me by Marshal
Serrano on his
[Page 836]
again taking office last June, I am informed by Mr.
Layard that the duke then assured him that it was
the purpose of the government to proceed at once with administrative and
political reforms in Porto Rico, including the abolition of slavery-and in
reply to the inquiry of the British minister, whether he might communicate
the conversation to his government, the president of the council of
ministers distinctly authorized him to do so. Although the brief episode of
office of that cabinet (June, 1872) rendered action on any question
impossible, these repeated affirmations increase the astonishment with which
one must regard the present attitude of Marshal Serrano
and his supporters. It may well be anticipated that a “league,” comprising
many influential members, and controlling numerous effective agencies, will
seriously embarrass the government in the execution of its plans. The league
has already secured the support of two-thirds of the newspapers of the
capital, and a large proportion of the provincial journals. By means of
co-operative societies in the principal manufacturing and agricultural
provinces, the pro-slavery league will appear to the classes who enjoy a
monopoly of the colonial trade nor is it easy to estimate the effect of an
exhaustive effort to arouse Spanish national pride by the assertion so
persistently made that the concession of self-government to the colonies
invoke the loss of the last of their American possessions, and the
irretrievable depreciation of Spanish power.
The Spanish element in both islands is relatively small. Local governments,
depending on popular suffrage, would be in the hands of the Creoles. The old
system of arbitrary rule, confining the administration to the hands of
employés sent from the peninsula, and diverting the resources of the island
wholly toward Spanish channels, once replaced by a more just and
conciliatory policy, might be fatal to vast interests that have grown into
being with the generations that have profited by despotism and servitude in
Cuba and Porto Rico.
I am, &c.,
[Inclosure B.—Translation.—From El Debate,
December 14, 1872.]
Organization of a league of defenders of the
national integrity.—Reported proceedings of the Spanish and Colonial
Club on the afternoon of December 14, 1872.
We have just witnessed the most imposing spectacle ever seen, in Spain.
In view of the terrible dangers that threaten the national integrity in
the colonies, through the reckless projects of reform which the
government has already begun to execute, all parties and all Spaniards
have rallied, as in 1803, at the country’s cry, to form a strong and
powerful league, whereby to check the power of fillibusterism and save
the integrity of the nation.
The most important public men in Spain assembled to-day at half past two
o’clock in the rooms of the Spanish Colonial Club of Madrid. The meeting
was opened by the Marquis of Manzanedo, the president of the club. He
made a statement of all that had been done up to that moment to prevent
the government from following out the baneful path it has undertaken,
and concluded by saying that all had unfortunately been in vain, and
that the government was obdurate in its resolve to ruin the country.
Mr. Duran y Cuervo said that reforms would in fact
effectively terminate the Cuban insurrection, as Mr.
Zorrilla had remarked to the press delegation,
but that they would do so by destroying our power in America, since
these reforms are even more than autonomy, and naturally, if they are
given to the insurgents in arms to-morrow, and the island with them, the
rebel hosts would to-day lay down their arms. He proposed that a league
of all parties should be formed, a formidable coalition, naming an
executive committee, in which all should be represented, so as to work
in unison in defense of the national flag.
Mr. Romero Robledo stated that the hour for action
had come. Something must
[Page 837]
done to confront the government with a powerful resistance, in order to
avoid the loss of the Antilles. The crisis is terrible; never has the
country been in greater danger; it is absolutely necessary to sacrifice
life and treasure, as the Spaniards beyond the seas are doing; to dare
all, or to turn aside and weep like women over the shame of Spain.
But when he beheld all parties united there, he realized that all
Spaniards were resolved to sell dearly the honor and dignity of the
nation, since it was not an electoral coalition that was proposed, but
the salvation of the holy cause of their country.
He proposed that a unanimous protest should be signed by all who were
there pre sent, and, seconding what Mr. Duran had
said, he added: “Shall we permit it to be said to the insurgents, ground
your arms to-day, for in two months’ time independence will be given to
you with reforms? Shall we consent to the cowardly and miserable
surrender of the island of Cuba to our enemies? Are not our volunteers
and our soldiers dying there? What do we fear? Do we perchance dread the
calumnies of the government, or that it may exile us or take away our
lives? What are these compared with the defense of our country, with the
interests of all our towns, now spectators of their own ruin, and with
the dishonor which awaits us?”
Mr. Vildósola rose to say that those who to-day
demand the dismemberment of the territory scarcely numbered a dozen men;
that they were not even the whole government; that they only formed half
the government, and “shall we submit to the rule,” he added. “Shall we
allow all Spain to be shamed by four or five adventurers?* The representatives of all
Spain are here; let us decide on a course that will save her!”
General Caballero de Rodas then spoke, and said a
member of a cabinet, of which Mr. Zorrilla formed
part, had proposed the sale of Cuba, which now was about to be covertly
given away; and that then, as always, he was ready to raise against it,
having recourse even to rebellion in order to prevent it.
The Duque de la Torre (General
Serrano) stated that he was of Mr.
Duran’s opinion, that a junta should be formed of all parties, for the purpose of
saving the national integrity.
Mr. Carramolina said that the banner of his party
had for its fundamental motto the same as that of all truly Spanish
parties, the motto of the integrity of the nation.
Admiral Topeté stated that he had formed part of the government to which
General Caballero de Rodas had alluded; but Mr.
Caballero did not allow him to conclude his
remarks, observing that Mr. Topeté was a good
Spaniard, and incapable of ever imagining such a treason; that he
alluded to somebody else.
Mr. Moyano said that a union of all parties ought to
be able to save the country now menaced with death, and, like the Duke
de la Torre, he was of the opinion that a league of all parties should
be formed for that purpose.
Mr. Estéban Collantes stated that the Palencia
committee was composed of a republican, a radical, an Alfonsist, a
constitutionalist, and a Carlist, all united to save the national
(Mr. Sagasta and Mr. Ayala here
entered the saloon.)
General Sanz said that he agreed with the Duke de la Torre, that a league
of all parties should be formed to save the flag of Spain in the
Mr. Reinoso, a representative of the industry, the
commerce, and the agriculture of the province of Valladolid, added that
he was of the opinion that, putting all politica differences aside, all
parties should unite to save the honor and the integrity of the
The Marquis of Manzanedo summed up the debate, stating that as all
present were agreed upon one course, the occasion had arrived for
designating the persons who were to form the national league for the
defense of the integrity of Spain in the colonies, and that the
individuals of each party present should retire and deliberate
separately in order to name its representatives.
This was then done, and in a short time the committee was organized in
the following form:
Mr. Canovas’s
society.—Messrs. Caballeros de Rodas,
Salaverria y Canovas del Castillo.
The Moderado Club.—The Count de
Toreno, General San Roman, and Mr.
The junta of the old Conservative Club.—Mr.
Moyano, Don Fernando
Alvarez, and Don Domingo Moreno.
The Constitutional Club.—Messrs.
Topete, Ayala,
Segasta, and Belaguer.
The Carlist Club.—The Count de
Cauga, Arguelles, and Messrs.
Vildósola and
Republicans.—Don Eugenio Garcia
Riez, and two other gentlemen whose names we do not
The Spanish and Colonial Club of Madrid.—For the
club and representatives of the industry, agriculture, and commerce of
Seville, Don Domingo Dominquez. For the ditto,
ditto, ditto, of Santander, Don Manuel Corral. For
the ditto of Bilbao, Mr. Hurtado. For the ditto of
Valencia, Mr. Santos. For the ditto of Palencia,
Mr. Estéban
[Page 838]
Collantes. For the ditto of
Valladolid, Mr. Reinoso. For the ditto of Cadiz,
Don Vicente Cagigas. For the ditto of
Saragossa, Don Justo Zaragoza. For the ditto of
Porto Rico, Don Francisco Amell. For the ditto of
Cuba, Don Juan Alés.
It was agreed to invite all the remaining societies in Spain who have not
yet been able to send representatives to Madrid, as was the Spanish and
Colonial Club, and the representatives of the agriculture, industry, and
commerce of Barcelona, who will arrive to-morrow, to name a
representative in this league.
Mr. Romero Robledo was also named a member by
The Marquis of Manzanedo asked for a vote of absolute confidence and
unconditional approbation for all that maybe done by the committee just
named, for the purpose of defending in every field and by every means
the integrity of the country; and this was carried by acclamation.
In this manner the patriotic reunion was brought to a close, all parties
being united in one single band, imposed by love of country to form.
la siga defensors de la integridad nacional.
[Inclosure D.—Translation.]
[Leading article from El
Impartial of December 16, 1872.]
then and now.
In the session of the chamber of deputies, of May 24, 1871, the report of
the committee on the reply to the speech from the throne was read; and
in it occur the following words with reference to colonial reforms:
“The civil war that to-day rages in Cuba is a fatal legacy of the old
régime under which rancorous passions fermented and prepared the way for
an outburst; but the congress of deputies shares with Your Majesty the
hope that it may be speedily terminated. The firmness of the government,
the patriotism, valor, and endurance of the navy, the army, and the
volunteers, the skill of their chiefs, and the continued earnestness of
the whole nation, will all contribute to this end, when joined to the
conviction that must at last reach the minds of the rebels that by their
submission they will attain liberties they seek in vain to win by force.
The resort to this only hinders the fulfillment of the promises of the
revolution, the complete realization of which
will doubtless not be much longer deferred, as Congress, in the other great Spanish Antilla, where peace
has not been disturbed, and where the full
enjoyment of political rights and the abolition of slavery
cannot exert a disturbing influence.”
This report was signed by Messrs. Nicolas Maria
Rivero, chairman; Francisco
Romero Robledo, Gabriel Rodrigues
Tomas Maria Mosquera, José
Abascal, and Juan
Valera, secretary.
It was fully discussed, and during the course of the debate, which
terminated on the 23d of June without any modification of the report, it
occurred to none of those who to-day maintain with such ardor the
necessity of employing all means, and even force, to prevent the
fulfillment of those promises in the provinces where the government
acting with the utmost prudence, believed that they could be realized to
make the slightest objection, on the ground of the fears that now assail
An amendment, of Messrs. Cánovas del
Castillo, Ardanas,
Alvarez, Bugallal,
Elduayen, Fabié,
Estrada, and Don Francisco Silvela, contained
among other proposals the following:
“The Cortes, while awaiting that happy event, (the
submission of the rebels,) will give mature consideration to
such measures as may be presented to them for bettering the political
administrative and economical situation of our provinces beyond the
This amendment which did not even express the sacredness of the system of
statu quo, now defended, was withdrawn by Mr.
Fabié, who before doing so asked several
explanations of the government, to which Mr. Ayala,
the colonial minister, replied that the paragraph of the address
referring to the affairs of his department afforded no motive for alarm
of any kind, and was accepted by all.
As far as the reported address is concerned, it should be remembered that
during the whole course of the debate thereon, the proposition of the
committee with respect to colonial reforms was in no manner whatever
impugned by the conservatives.
The Carlists and Moderados alone denied that the Cuban war was “a fatal
legacy of the old régime,” and, as we have said, after long and
patriotic speeches the address was put to the vote, and approved in the
exact form proposed by the committee. The following gentlemen voted in
its favor:
Ferratges, Rios y
Portilla, Don Praxedes
Sagasta, Don Cristino
Martos, Dou Agusto Ulloa,
Lopez Ayala, Beranger,
Moret, Alvareda, Galvez
Canero, Belanguer,
Topete, Pastor y
Landero, Rozas, Sastre y Gonzales,
Mansi, Don Joaquin
Garrido, Vidal y Lopez,
Peris y Valero,
[Page 839]
Navarro y Rodrigo,
Prieto, Palan, Miranda,
Don Vicente Rodriguez, Soriano
Plasent, Crespo, Serrano Bedoya, Fernandez de la
Hoz, Ruiz Gomez,
Rivera, Candan, Soto,
Merelo, Palacios,
Montero de Espinosa,
Rivero, Nunez de Valaseo,
Sainz de Rozas, Sequera, Dan Pedro
Sagasta, Gamazo,
Muniz, Ramos
Calderon, Mozeno
Benitez, Camacho,
Escoriaza, Muños, Vargas,
Romero Giron, Don Gabriel
Rodriguez, Villavicencio,
Val-buena, Gasset y
Artime, Gallego Diaz,
Higuera, Andrés Moreno,
Ruiz Huidobro, Gomez Arostegui, Muños
Herrera, Don Luis Angulo,
Don Joaquin Banon, Rojo
Arias, Abellan,
Carraseo, Anglada, Don Francisco Banon,
Navarro y Ochoteeo,
Sinnés, Orozeo,
Zurita, Bobillo,
Miguel y Debesa, Bermudez, Don Cayo Lopez,
Fabra, Fernandez de las
Cuevas, Don Gaspar Rodriguez,
Don Juan Valera,
Don José Maria Valera, Romero Robledo,
Mosquera, Moya, Acuña,
Peñuelas, Conde de
Agramonte, Perez Zamora,
Martinez Perez,
Patxot, Cruzada Villaamil,
Don Vanancio Gonzales,
Reig, Ruiz Capdepon,
De Blas, Lafitte,
Merelles, Fernandez
Muños, Barrenechea,
Alonso, Herrero,
Don Enrique Martos, Zabalza, Morales Diaz,
Marcias Acosta, Muños de Sepulveda,
Montesino, Don Eugenio Montero
Rios, Don José Maria Chacon, Gomis, Nunez de
Arce, Alcaraz,
Montero y Guijarro,
Fandos, Don Castor
Garcia, Brú, Lopez
Guljarro, Don Candido Martinez,
Leon y Castillo, Martinez
Bárcia, Marques de Sardoal,
Duque de Veragua, Hernandez Lopez, Arias y
Giner, Lasala, Don
Ricardo Chacon, Becerra,
Mata, Don Santiago
Angulo, Pellon y Rodriguez,
La Ordan, Gonzales
Zorrilla, Sans y Gorrea,
Cardenal, Burell,
Damato, Vicens Pinol,
Alcalá Zamora, Lafuente, Robledo
Cheea, Roger,
Pasaron y Lastra, Don Patricio
Pereda, Alonso
Colmenares, Gullon,
Labra, Loring, Sanlate,
Diegues Amoeiro, Abascal, Don Juan de la Cruz
Martinez, Garcia Gomez,
Henao y Muños, Alareon
Lujan, Terrero, Moreno
Nieto, Shelly, Conde
de Villaneva, de Per ales,
Avila, Ruano,
Saavedra, Marquéz de
Camarena, Ibarrola, Serrano Dominquez, the
vice-president, Herrera.
Total 164, of which 85 were conservatives, as has since appeared, and
to-day defend the opposite of what they voted for, and 79 radicals, who
are now simply fulfilling what they then offered to do.
It is therefore demonstrated, and demonstrated to conviction, by a simple
reading of the foregoing extracts, that the conservatives of to-day do
not follow the same conduct or defend the same principles touching the
concrete question of the colonies, as they followed and defended in the
months of May and June, 1871.
The conservatives therefore combat the radical policy on this point, not
from love of integrity and nationality, which all of us have defended
while following our own course as radicals, but purely and simply for
the convenience of their system of opposition à
It is indispensable to clear up this matter thoroughly, so that there
shall not exist the least doubt about it, in order that all the world
may know and comprehend how much truth is at the bottom of this attitude
which seeks to stir up feeling against the present ministry.
Either one of two things. Either the conservatives draughted, voted, and
sustained; the paragraph from the address which we have quoted because
they thought it laid down the most patriotic course in the colonies, or
they prepared it, voted for it and defended it believing the contrary,
and secretly resolving not to put it in practice.
If they were inspired by the latter idea, it is not for us but for them
to say so, for in spite of all that they have done and said, we do not
believe them capable of so dishonorable a proceeding, which, to quote
their own language, would be an allowable
falsehood, (mentira licita,) and then to
justify a profitable fraud (supercheria provechosa) to-day.