Appendix No. II.
Disabilities of Aliens.—Reports from Foreign
The accompanying circular was sent from the foreign office to Her Majesty’s representatives at European courts and in the United States:
Foreign Office, June 16, 1868.
“I have to instruct you to furnish me, with as little delay as possible, with a report for the naturalization commission, on the disabilities, if any, to which aliens residing in——are subjected by ——law;” and the following dispatches were received in reply:
- Austria. (Document 283)
- Baden. (Document 284)
- Bavaria. (Document 285)
- Belgium. (Document 286)
- Ministère De La Justice. (Document 287)
- Denmark. (Document 288)
- France. (Document 289)
- Greece. (Document 290)
- Hanse Towns. (Document 291)
- Italy. (Document 292)
- Netherlands. (Document 293)
- Portugal. (Document 294)
- Prussia. (Document 295)
- Russia. (Document 296)
- Saxony. (Document 297)
- Sweden. (Document 298)
- Switzerland. (Documents 299–301)
- WÜRTEMBERG. (Document 302)