No. 347.
Mr. Biddle to Mr. Fish.
Legation of the
United States,
Salvador, March 24, 1873.
(Received April 21.)
No. 113.]
Sir: Referring to the subject of my dispatch No.
111, I have the honor to inform you of the arrival, at the port of La
Libertad, in this state, of Her Majesty’s ship Reindeer, Commander W. R.
This officer addressed me a communication, as by inclosure No. 1, generously
offering me and my family refuge from existing peril on board of his
I replied, as by inclosure No. 2, expressing high appreciation of his kind
proffer, but stating that as my family were in security at this hour, I felt
that duty called me to my post.
Such friendly action as this of Captain Kennedy produces the happiest result,
and begets feelings of brotherhood between kindred peoples.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1.]
Commander Kennedy to
Mr. Biddle
Dear Sir: I have just come up here to see if I
can be of any use to you or any one. Pray let me know if such is the
case. I will take you and your family to Panama if you like.
Commander, Royal Navy.
[Inclosure 2.]
Mr. Biddle to Commander Kennedy
Legation of
the United States,
Salvador, March 23,
My Dear Captain: I have received with extreme
gratification your hospitable proffer of Her Majesty’s ship Reindeer as
a refuge from the existing peril.
[Page 811]
As my family are now sheltered from danger, I believe it to be my duty to
remain at my post, but cordially tender to you my grateful thanks for
this noble tender of material assistance from a kindred nationality,
Which my Government will appreciate.
I have, &c.,
- Commander R. W.
Kennedy, R. N.,
H. M. S. Reindeer.