I also append the resolution of the convention approving the entire course of
President Gonzalez, as stated in the aforesaid memorial.
A project has been presented to the nation from the convention for the
formation of a bank, of which I annex a copy and translation. The late
revolutions and foreign wars have embarrassed the finances of the state and
commercial prosperity, and the creation of a bank separate from the
government, with securities from abroad, for hypothecations, loans,
discounts, and circulation, is thus suggested as a safe basis for monetary
transactions. I also annex a copy of a decree of the President of the
republic, consonantly to the above resolution of the convention, dated the
4th instant, in which he prescribes the establishment of a bank as
aforesaid, with stipulations as authorized by the Congress. The fourteenth
article thereof establishes The Bank for Hypothecation of Real Estate of
Salvador so soon as the subscription for a moiety of its stock is completed,
and agencies are to be established in all the departments of the republic,
to be organized according to the regulations.
Also, an agency is to be at once placed in London, to represent the bank in
its relations and operations with foreign stockholders and with other
persons or establishments. The office to be performed by three employés, one
to be named by the foreign shareholders, another by the national
shareholders, and the last by the government. If the directory of the bank
shall deem it convenient hereafter to establish other agencies in other
foreign places, it may do so, the government approving, and with the same
terms as for that at London.
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]
constituent congress.
Exposition of the Salvadorean cabinet to the National
Constituent Congress, submitting for its approval the measures taken
in consequence of the extraordinary situation in which the republic
was placed.
Representatives: By the disposition of the
Marshal President of the republic and consonantly to the terms of your
convocation, the undersigned ministers of state have the honor to relate
and to submit to you the policy and measures which the government has
been obliged to dictate, owing to the exceptional circumstances through
which the nation has passed, whose great interests it was impossible to
preserve without displaying the activity which the intrigues and
machinations of the disaffected rendered necessary.
Notorious are the motives, as flimsy as hurtful to Salvador, which served
as a pretext to the ex-President of Honduras, Don José Maria Medina, to
openly take a hostile
[Page 785]
against this republic, to close official relations, and to declare war,
issuing the unjustifiable decree dated 25th of March of this year.
With this emergency, the executive authority was obliged to use the
foremost of its attributes “to maintain inviolable the sovereignty and
independence of the republic and the integrity of its territory, and to
conserve the peace and domestic tranquillity.”
In every light the said decree of the Honduranean government amounted to
a formal declaration of war, unless it were that its armies had not at
once invaded Salvador.
The unlooked-for rupture of every kind of official and private relations
between both countries, the unjustifiable insults and injuries, as grave
as gratuitous, embodied in that decree, and, lastly, the clear and
determined words with which the republic of Honduras declared itself in
a state of war with Salvador, are facts which demonstrate, in an
irrefutable manner, the truth of the proposition which we have
With these antecedents, and in the certainty that the Honduranean
government was accumulating every kind of warlike supply to commence
hostilities at the opportune time, and also seeing that the
reactionaries redoubled their efforts to produce discord in the
interior, it appears evident that the government had drawn the line of
conduct proper to preserve harmless the national honor and the republic
from the threatened evils, and at the least sacrifice: to accept war, to
prosecute it with activity, and to select the enemy’s soil for the
campaign—conditions which gave us the advantage and averted from our
people the evils consequent to occupancy by a foreign army and the
operations of war.
The government, thus convinced, could not do less than accept the
situation and do its best for a favorable result to the unwelcome war.
(See Decrees Nos. 1 and 2.)
We have thus detailed the circumstances preceding the campaign in
Honduras to direct your attention to the fact of the invasion of that
republic without the formal declaration of war by the legislative
authority, as is its prerogative, according to section 14 of the 36th
article of the constitution.
It has been declared that in this case the executive usurped one of the
provinces of the legislature; but, upon consideration, it appears not to
be so, for it is shown that it was the government of Honduras which
declared war and that ours only accepted it, selecting with prudence and
activity the time and the theater for the operations of the campaign.
Consequent to this was the procuration by the government of funds with
which to support the extraordinary expenses of the war, when the
ordinary revenue became insufficient therefor. This aroused the
patriotism of the Salvadoreans, and these satisfactorily aided the
government with their means. We see, therefore, that the assemblage of
the legislature, under the circumstances, was unnecessary, not having to
declare war, nor the manner of its prosecution.
At the same time it was absolutely necessary to make some arrests
temporarily, and to banish some individuals who had aided, at every
peril, the Honduranean aggressor, defeating the efforts of the
government and creating every sort of difficulty in the interior.
The Marshal President, desiring to be prominent in the maintenance of the
national dignity, the glory and the luster of the Salvadorean arms,
resolved to direct the war in person, and therefore placed himself at
the front of the army, delivering the executive power to the
vice-president. The campaign opened in May. You well know,
representatives, that unbroken series of triumphs, so glorious to our
standard, extending the sway of liberal principles, and assuring to the
nation a long era of peace and tranquillity, elements so necessary to
its happiness and progress.
The aggressor being reduced to the last extremity, and deeming the war
already ended, the government of Salvador, firm in its determination not
to prolong the abnormal condition, if the public good, did not exact it,
revoked the decrees of the 5th and 25th of April, issuing that of the
19th of June, as by No. 3.
But the greater part of the Salvadorean forces having returned
triumphant, there remaining in Honduras only a small number to support
the provisional government in the re-establishment of domestic order,
and in its labor of re-organization General Don José Maria Medina
appeared anew in Santa Barbara with a force of six or eight hundred men
and munitions of war, which some disaffected emigrants from Guatemala
had sent to him from northern ports. At the same time party passion
burst forth in the interior. Excited by the course of events,
conspiracies were formed to embarrass the action of the government, and
a riot broke out in Cojutopeque, illustrating the ignorance and
fanaticism of the Indians.
The abuse of the press on the part of the enemies to order had reached
such a point that it was only used to enervate the government measures
and to injure the authorities.
Certainly, at that time, affairs were critical. Abroad, war blazed
afresh, at home, anarchy, with its horrors, threatened.
Then the government, seeing the impossibility to assemble the chambers of
the legislature, and not finding in the constitution sufficient means to
confront so grave a situation, firm in the belief that the principle to
which all others are subordinate is the conservation and safety of the
state, assumed the course which circumstances demanded,
[Page 786]
and the pressing necessity obliged and
promulgated the decree of the 17th of July, marked No. 4.
Consonantly to this disposition, and to attain the proposed end, some
persons of every estate and condition who had openly overturned order
were expelled from the country. Also some new troops were sent to
Honduras, which, efficiently aided by our neighbor and sister, the
republic of Guatemala, continued uninterruptedly the splendid triumphs
of the first campaign, even to completely destroy the last remnants of
the party inimical to Salvador in that republic.
The exercise of the rights and the fulfillment of the duties anterior and
higher to the positive laws recognized by the constitution, the
imperative necessity to save the republic from the frightful
consequences which would have attended victory on the part of General
Medina, and the beneficent and splendid results which have been
obtained, make clear the justice and propriety of the course pursued by
the government and the good faith which has presided over all its
The consolidation of order, the guarantee of peace and public
tranquillity, the honor and glory of the national flag, and the spread
of liberal principles—these are, representatives, the grand results
obtained at the cost of very small sacrifices.
One of the advantages derived from the overthrow of the government of
General Medina was the agreement signed at Gratias by the citizen
Marshal President, in his quality as general-in-chief of the army, and
the provisional government of Honduras, as by Schedule 5.
In this document you will find expressed the just obligations which the
new government has recognized in favor of Salvador, which partly
compensate for the sacrifices of the war.
Your happy convening, which has for its principal objects to remedy the
defects and omissions of the constitution, shown principally by popular
demonstrations, has impelled the executive to abrogate the decree of the
17th of July, to which end he has issued that of the 24th ultimo, as by
No. 6.
Decrees are also submitted as to the press, and also the creation of
townships in the district of Cojutopeque;
The supreme government, trusting in your patriotism and intelligence, and
with an approving conscience, awaits your judgment upon all its
dispositions and measures which have been specified, and doubts not but
that you will give to it your approval.
The proclamations of the President, and many other papers published by
the official press, clearly state the true causes of the conflict
provoked by Honduras, and of all the intrigues and machinations in the
interior, which favored the designs of the Honduranean leader; but, if
possibly you may deem more precise data necessary for resolution upon
the points submitted, we will present all others which you may
San Salvador, October 4,
- The Minister of Foreign
AEBIZU. - The Minister of the Treasury and
J. J. SAMAYOA. - The Minister of Public Instruction and