I have the honor to inform you of this in reply to the note
from your legation dated the 17th August last, and avail,
Her Britannic Majesty’s Minister
[Page 1436]
Extract from the constitution of the Spanish monarchy,
May 23, 1845:
“Titulo 1.—De los EspaSoles.—Articulo, 1°.
“The following are Spanish subjects:
“1. All persons born within the dominions of Spain.
“The children of a Spanish father or mother, even though
born without the Spanish dominions.”
Extracts from the royal decree of the 17th of November,
“Capitulo 1.—De los estranjeros y su clasificacion en
“Article 1. The following are
to be deemed aliens:
- “1. All persons born of alien fathers without the
Spanish dominions.
- “2. The children of an alien father and Spanish
mother, born without the said dominions, unless they
have reclaimed Spanish nationality.
- “3. Those born within Spanish territory of alien
fathers or of an alien father and Spanish mother,
unless they have made a similar reclamation.
- “4. Those born without the Spanish dominions of
fathers who have lost their Spanish
- “5. Spanish women married to alien
* * * * * * *
“Capitulo 3, art. 24. Aliens domiciled or temporarily
resident within the Spanish dominions, and their
children, are exempt from military service unless they
have reclaimed Spanish nationality.
“But this does not apply to the sons whose parents have
been born within Spanish territory, even though they may
have preserved their alien nationality.”