My Lord: With reference to your lordship’s circular dispatch of the 11th August, directing me to report on the state of Saxon law with regard to nationality of children born of alien parents within the Saxon dominions, I have the honor to inclose in translation the information furnished me by the Saxon government on the subject.
I have, &c.,
In reply to the note of Her Britannic Majesty’s chargé d’affaires of the 19th instant the undersigned has the honor to state, with reference to paragragh 2 of the law of the kingdom of Saxony of the 2d of July, 1852, relative to acquisition and loss of citizenship, copy of which is herewith annexed, that children of aliens born in Saxony do not by the mere accident of birth acquire Saxon nationality, inasmuch as the right of Saxon citizenship by birth is obtained only on the supposition that either the father or the mother (whether lawfully married or not) were at the time of such birth, either here or abroad, Saxon subjects.
The undersigned, &c.,
Dresden, November 21, 1868.
Paragraph 2 of the law relative to acquisition and loss of Saxon citizenship of July 2, 1852:
By birth all those are entitled to Saxon citizenship whose father, or, if illegitimate, whose mother, at the time of their birth, whether at home or abroad, were Saxon subjects.