No. 38.]

My Lord: On the receipt of your lordship’s circular dispatch of the 11th instant, I addressed a note to the minister of foreign affairs, requesting his excellency to inform me as to the actual state of the Portuguese law with regard to the nationality of children born of aliens within the Portuguese dominions.

In his excellency’s note to me of the 22d instant, in reply to the above, and of which I have the honor to inclose a copy and translation, your lordship will find a statement of the Portuguese law on the matter.

I have, &c.,


The Lord Stanley, M. P., &c.


Most illustrious and excellent Sir: I had the honor to receive the note which your excellency was pleased to address to me on the 19th instant, requesting, in the name of your government, and for the information of the commission on naturalization, to be made acquainted with the present state of the law, as regards the nationality of children born of aliens within the Portuguese dominions.

In reply it is my duty to state to your excellency that the law declares that those born in this kingdom of an alien father are Portuguese citizens, provided the latter does not reside in this country in the service of his own nation, and unless the former should declare, when of age or emancipated, or through their parents or guardians, if minors, that they do not wish to be Portuguese citizens. (Civil code, title 11, article 18, No. 2.)

Those born in this kingdom when the mother alone is Portuguese, if illegitimate. (No. 1.)

The declaration required in No. 2 shall be made before the municipality of the place

where the declarer shall have resided. (§ 1.)

A minor on coming of age, or when emancipated, may, by means of a new declaration, made before the municipality of the place which he may have chosen for his domicile, recall the declaration which may already have been made during his minority, by his father or guardians, in accordance with No. 2, (§ 2.)

I avail, &c.,


Sir Charles A. Murray, &c.