British Legation, Copenhagen,
July 30,
My Lord: As a supplement to my dispatch
of the 27th ultimo, on the position of aliens in Denmark, I have
the honor to inclose/herewith, at the request of the
naturalization commission, the written opinion of Mr. Brock, a
distinguished Danish lawyer, with reference—
- 1.
- To the oath required of aliens entering on certain
- 2.
- Whether the birth in Denmark of the son of an alien
constitutes a Danish subject.
Your lordship will see by the inclosed document that—
- 1.
- The “Borgherskab” or Burgherbiir oath was abrogated in
1858. The oath now taken by brokers, translators, &c, is
non-political, and limited to the faithful performance of
their office.
- 2.
- The son of an alien born in Denmark is considered a Dane,
to all intents and purposes, so long as he remains in
I have, &c.,
The Lord Stanley, M. P., &c
Copenhagen, July 26,
Sir: Your excellency has asked my
opinion on the following questions:
- 1.
- Is the “Borgerbur” oath still required for entering on
certain professions; and, if so, what
- 2.
- Does the fact of birth in Denmark constitute a son of
an alien a Danish subject?
Answer, 1. The “Borgerbur” oath required by the Danish law
for entering on professions of different kinds has been
abolished by the law of December 29, 1857. The oath still
taken by brokers, translators, and such persons of public
trust, that they will faithfully perform the duties imposing
on their office, has no influence upon their situation as
subjects of the Danish Crown, and is no oath of
2. The son of an alien born in Denmark is regarded a Dane if
he remains here. I have, &c.,
Advocate of the
Supreme Court.
Sir Charles L.
Wyke, K. C. B., &c.
British Legation, Copenhagen,
August 17,
My Lord: In reply to your circular
marked of the 11th instant, instructing me to furnish a
report for the information of the naturalization commission
on the state of the Danish law with regard to the
nationality of children born of alien parents within the
Danish dominions, I have the honor to refer your lordship to
my dispatch marked of the 28th ultimo, which contains the
information required by the commission with reference to
this subject.
I have, &c.,
The Lord Stanley, M. P., &c