
My Lord: In conformity with your lordship’s instructions of the 12th June, I have the honor to inclose herewith translation of a note addressed by Baron Freydorf to Mr. Baillie, containing information with respect to the position of aliens in the Grand Duchy of Baden, from which it will be perceived that aliens are practically subject there to no disabilities whatever, except exclusion from political and municipal rights.

I have, &c.,


Lord Stanley, M. P.,
&c., &c., &c.


Within the whole compass of private rights, especially in respect to the right of acquiring and possessing property of every kind, landed property included, aliens stand according to Baden law upon a footing of complete equality with native subjects.

As regards the right of settlement and of engaging in trade or industry, the Baden government are entitled, if they please, to demand reciprocity as the condition of admission to such rights. They have, however, never as yet taken any advantage of their authority in this respect, so that in point of fact aliens residing in Baden are subject to no disabilities in regard to the right of settlement, or of engaging in trade or industry.

On the other hand, aliens are of course excluded from political rights, from offices in church and state, and from such rights as appertain to persons as members of a corporate community.

I avail, &c.

&c., &c.

E. M. Baillie, Esq.,
&c., &c., &c.