No. 470.
Mr. Beardsley to Mr. Fish.
Cairo, February 15, 1873. (Received March 24.)
Sir: I have the honor to report that the marriage of Prince Hassan, third son of the Khedive, with the princess the daughter of Mohammed Ali Pacha, was consummated on Monday, the 10th instant, and was followed by the samefêtes, ceremonies, and entertainments as were given in honor of the former marriages, as indicated in my preceding dispatches.
During the past month nightly entertainments have been given to thousands of persons; semi-weekly representations by expensive artists have been given in the hippodrome; presents have been distributed to rich and poor; gold has been strewn in the streets in front of each bridal procession and thrown from the windows of the banking-houses to the struggling crowds below; invited guests have been entertained in a princely manner, and bridal gifts and trousseaux have been presented rivaling in magnificence and value the most exaggerated descriptions of Oriental tales. It is sufficient to mention dresses covered and heavy with diamonds and Oriental pearls, tiaras resplendent with hundreds of diamonds of the first water, girdles dazzling with precious stones, and slippers of gold ornamented with rubies and emeralds, to indicate the nature and value of the bridal presents. It is said by persons supposed to be competent of judging that the value of the presents given by Prince Toussoum Pacha to his bride was £100,000 sterling, and that her trousseau cost a far greater sum. In an Oriental land like this, where extravagance in display and expenditure is looked upon as a mark and prerogative of [Page 1127] royalty, it is perhaps wise and politic that the marriage of the hereditary prince should be celebrated with unusual ceremony and princely expenditure. * * * * * *
To each of the princes already married has been given a palace, suite, and all the paraphernalia of princely life; and each of the younger princes will expect as much when his marriage-day shall arrive.
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The princes are all of them most estimable young men, of whom nothing but good can be said. They are intelligent, courteous, and gentle-mannered, and they appear to be animated by a fraternal feeling for each other which, under the circumstances, is as refreshing as it is unexpected, and speaks volumes for their education. They are, moreover, industrious, and take an interest in the welfare of their country.
The hereditary prince, Mohammed Tewif Pacha, is president of the private council of His Highness the Khedive and presides at its meetings, and Prince Hussein Pacha is minister of public works. Prince Hassan Pacha has but lately returned from Oxford College, England, where he has spent the last four years. He will return to England and enter the military school at Woolwich. There is a report current that Prince Hassan intends visiting the United States this year, but I am satisfied that such is not the case. The Khedive wishes him to make the tour of the world, but not until he shall have completed his studies at Woolwich.
I am, &c.,