No. 269.
Mr. Nelson
to Mr. Fish.
Mexico, September 30, 1872. (Received October 17.)
Sir: In view of the various representations made by this legation to the Mexican government upon the subject of cattle-stealing on the northern frontier, as well as of the fact that an American commission is now taking testimony on this subject on the Rio Grande, it has been resolved by the Mexican Congress to send a similar commission of three members for the same purpose. The chairman of the said commission is to be Mr. Emilio Velasco, a person of recognized ability and fairness, as well as of special acquaintance with the facts of the case. Several notable articles upon this subject, written by Mr. Velasco, and published in the Siglo XIX, were sent by me to the Department several months since as inclosures to dispatches.
Mr. Velasco has conferred with me repeatedly upon this matter. He is animated by the best desire to establish the truth in this case, and during his mission will place himself in free communication with General McCook and other American authorities.
The other members of the commission have not been appointed, but will be residents of Nuevo Leon or Tamaulipas.
I have, &c.,