No. 268.
Mr. Nelson
to Mr. Fish.
Legation of the
United States,
Mexico, September 23, 1872.
(Received October 17.)
No. 642.]
Sir: Referring to my No. 616, of the 24th ultimo,
with which I inclosed a copy of a note, thanking the government of Mexico
for the friendly deportment of its military officers on the Rio Grande
frontier, I have the honor to inclose a translation of Mr. Lafragua’s reply,
dated the 19th instant, in which he assures me of the earnest desire of his
government to remove all motives of complaint upon that frontier.
I have, &c.,
Mr. Lafragua to Mr.
of Foreign Affairs,
Mexico, September 19,
Sir: I have the pleasure of informing your
excellency, in reply to your note dated the 24th ultimo, that this
government is gratified to learn that the conduct of its military
commanders on the frontier has attracted the attention of the Government
of the United States, on account of their satisfactory deportment and
the friendly sentiments which they have inspired among the American
[Page 634]
It is my duty to add that this course of conduct and this friendly
deportment toward the United States have been the genuine expression of
the sentiments of the supreme government of the republic of Mexico,
desirous as it is to prevent all motives of complaint, and to cultivate
and foster, in all sincerity, the friendly and cordial relations which
happily exist between the two countries.
I improve this opportunity to renew to your excellency the assurance of
my very high and distinguished consideration.