No. 433.
Mr. Sickles to Mr. Fish.

No. 471.]

Sir: I have the honor to forward herewith some interesting information, respecting slavery in Cuba and Porto Rico, recently communicated to me by the colonial minister. I also inclose a copy of a private note to Mr. Gasset, pointing out the importance of obtaining periodical [Page 585] returns from Cuba as a means of ascertaining how far the emancipation act of 1870 answers its avowed purpose.

I transmit also a copy of the Gazette containing an official expression of the thanks of the King in recognition of the voluntary manumission of a number of slaves in Porto Rico. It is due to the present cabinet to state that it has inaugurated this method of giving public sanction and praise to such acts, which have before found no favor in the eyes of this government.

I am, &c.,

[Page 586]
[Inclosure A in No. 471.]

General table of the population of the island of Cuba for the year 1869, classified according to race, condition, and state in life, (married or single,) prepared in obedience to the order of His Highness the Regent of the Kingdom, dated February 1, 1870.

[Page 587]
Districts. White population. Free colored population. Colored slave population. Total colored population. Asiatic population Grand total of population.
Unmarried persons of both sexes. Married. Widowers and widows. Total. Unmarried persons of both sexes. Married. Widowers and widows. Total. Unmarried persons of both sexes. Married. Widowers and widows. Total. Unmarried persons of both sexes. Married. Widowers and widows. Total Unmarried persons of both sexes. Married. Widowers and widows. Total
Bahia Honda 3,311 1,075 159 4,545 634 135 36 805 6,430 38 4 6,472 7,064 173 40 7,277 190 10,565 1,248 199 12,012
Bejucal 9,195 3,870 918 13,981 1,682 333 125 2,140 5,442 121 87 5,650 7,124 454 212 7,790 284 16,603 4,324 1,128 22,055
Cardenas 16,242 6,506 1,379 24,127 1,869 349 103 2,331 26,422 776 125 27,323 28,291 1,125 238 29,654 5,795 50,328 7,631 1,617 59,576
Cienfuegos 19,774 7,231 1,742 28,747 5,851 1,254 311 7,416 16,868 271 33 17,172 22,719 4,525 344 24,582 1,162 43,655 8,756 2,086 54,497
Colon 15,485 5,418 992 21,895 2,741 492 142 3,375 32,457 1,051 449 33,957 35,198 1,543 449 37,190 5,862 56,545 6,961 1,441. 64,947
Guanabacoa 10,047 3,921 795 14,763 4,155 551 303 5,019 4,445 69 35 4,549 8,600 620 348 9,568 271 18,918 4,541 1,143 24,602
Guanajay 12,275 4,373 761 17,409 2,380 451 126 2,957 14,872 996 270 16,138 17,252 1,447 396 19,095 1,072 30,599 5,820 1,157 37,576
Guines 20,569 8,457 1,219 30,245 3,807 594 198 4,599 23,470 1,089 2,082 27,361 27,277 1,683 3,000 31,960 2,382 50,228 10,140 4,219 64,587
Habana 102,936 26,160 3,308 132,404 38,174 5,787 1,405 45,366 27,273 2,007 639 29,919 65,447 7,794 2,044 75,285 4,007 172,390 33,954 5,352 211,696
Jarcuo 15,811 6,091 755 22,657 2,501 703 172 3,376 9,145 555 66 9,766 11,646 1,258 238 13,142 493 27,950 7,349 993 36,292
Matanzas 26,264 12,098 2,665 41,027 6,670 970 358 7,998 30,661 915 345 31,621 36,971 1,885 703 39,559 4,111 67,346 13,983 3,368 84,697
Pina del Rio 34,444 9,796 1,553 45,793 10,042 1,464 361 11,867 15,569 307 71 15,947 25,611 1,771 432 27,814 744 60,799 11,567 1,985 74,351
Remedies 22,836 8,552 1,118 32,006 4,717 925 253 5,895 9,154 194 77 9,425 13,871 1,119 330 15,320 1,998 38,205 9,671 1,448 49,324
Sagua la Grande 20,233 7,558 687 28,478 2,741 325 69 3,135 18,129 233 22 18,384 20,870 558 91 21,519 3,432 44,535 8,116 778 53,429
San Antonio 16,361 6,095 1,184 23,640 1,947 389 112 3,448 8,952 813 228 9,993 10,899 1,202 340 12,441 568 27,828 7,297 1,524 36,649
Santa Clara 26,407 9,311 1,171 36,889 7,863 2,031 363 10,257 6,930 6,930 14,793 2,031 363 17,187 326 41,526 11,342 1,534 54,402
San Cristobal 11,828 3,653 558 16,039 1,795 313 76 2,184 5,992 269 61 6’ 322 7,787 582 137 8,506 71 19,686 4,235 695 24,616
Sta. Ma. del Rosario 3,616 1,346 228 5,190 636 65 13 714 2,071 6 1 2,078 2,077 71 14 2,162 20 6,343 1,417 242 8,002
Santiago 7,844 4,252 454 12,550 1,685 570 144 2,399 3,909 857 181 4,947 5,594 1,427 325 7,346 254 13,692 5,679 779 20,150
Santo Espiritu 21,442 7,032 1,135 29,689 6,254 1,412 247 7,913 7,171 105 7,276 13,425 1,517 247 15,189 169 35,036 8,549 1,382 44,967
Trinidad 13,068 3,921 726 17,715 7,813 1,156 278 9,247 9,459 34 9,493 17,262 1,190 278 18,740 219 30,559 5,111 1,004 36,674
Tila de Pina 832 227 72 1,131 220 12 4 236 266 266 486 12 4 502 19 1,337 239 76 1,652
Total 430,320 146,913 23,577 600,840 116,177 20,281 5,219 141,677 284,787 10,706 5,496 300,989 400,274 30,987 10,573 441,834 33,449 864,673 177,930 34,150 1,076,753
Nuevitas 2,495 1,051 229 3,775 335 136 36 507 1,439 135 46 1,620 1,771 271 82 2,127 109 4,378 1,322 311 6,011
Puerto Principe 27,581 12,114 1,793 41,488 7,960 2,508 635 11,113 11,666 952 257 12,875 19,626 3,460 892 23,978 197 47,404 15,574 2,685 65,663
Tunas 2,687 595 89 3,371 2,043 344 64 2,451 389 4 1 394 2,432 348 65 2,845 34 5,153 943 154 6,250
Total 32,763 13,760 2,111 48,634 10,338 2,988 735 14,061 13,494 1,091 304 14,889 23,832 4,079 1,039 28,950 340 56,935 17,839 3,150 77,924
Baracoa 3,720 1,413 211 5,344 3,817 1,062 258 5,137 1,534 39 11 1,584 5,351 1,101 269 6,721 9,071 2,514 480 12,065
Bayamo 6,967 2,236 692 9,895 9,826 2,137 435 12,398 2,225 50 29 2,304 12,051 2,187 464 14,702 15 19,033 4,423 1,156 24,612
Cuba 14,473 6,433 1,081 23,037 26,612 8,328 2,259 37,199 26,246 1,1960 521 28,727 52,858 10,288 2,720 65,926 428 68,961 16,771 3,861 89,593
Guantanamo 4,013 15,473 255 5,148 3,982 986 258 5,226 8,509 22 5 8,536 12. 491 1,008 263 13,762 71 16,565 2,221 518 19,314
Holguin 29,111 12,523 1,159 42,793 5,733 1,445 273 7,451 3,751 100 22 3,873 9,484 1,545 295 11,324 52 38,647 14,068 1,454 54,169
Tiguani 9,390 3,206 446 13,042 2,834 960 231 4,015 909 38 19 566 3,343 988 250 4,581 12,733 4,194 696 17,623
Manzanillo 10,384 3,234 492 14,110 9,270 2,156 337 11,763 1,755 56 9 1,820 11,025 2,212 346 13,583 65 21,474 5,446 838 27,758
Total 79,058 30,308 4,336 113,702 62,074 17,064 4,051 83,189 44,529 2,265 616 47,410 106,603 19,329 4,057 130,589 631 186,494 49,637 9,003 245,134
34,420 1,107,950 245,406 46,455 1,399,811


Unmarried Married. Widowers and widows. Total.
White population 542,131 191,011 30,034 763,176
Free colored population 188,589 40,333 10,005, 238,927
Slave population 342,810 14,062 6,416 363,288
Asiatic population 34,420
Total 1,073,530 245,406 46,455 1,399,811
Augustin Genon.

[Page 588]
[Inclosure B in No. 471.]

province of porto rico.

Slavery returns for 1870 and 1871.

Under 12 years. From 12 to 60 years. Total.
September, 1871.
Domestic servants:
Males 204 962 1,166
Females 81 3,677 3,758
Field hands:
Males 266 11,802 12,068
Females 209 8,127 8,336
Without occupation:
Males 3,747 52 3,799
Females 3,699 77 3,776
Total 8,206 24,697 32,903
Males 4,217 12,816 17,033
Females 3,989 11,881 15,870
Total 8,206 24,697 32,903
July, 1872.
Domestic servants:
Males 43 990 1,033
Females 88 3,287 33,75
Field hands:
Males 176 11,572 11,748
Females 108 8,072 8,180
Without occupation:
Males 3,270 92 3,362
Females. 3,252 92 3,344
Total. 6,937 24,105 31,042
Males 3,489 12,655 16,144
Females. 3,448 11,450 14,898
Total 6,937 24,105 31,042


Census 1870 39,069 Census 1870 39,069
Census 1871 32,903 Census 1871 32,903
Census 1872 31,042
Difference 6,166
White population 1869–70 346,437 Census 1871 32,903
Free colored, 1869–’70 270,822 Census 1872 31,042
Difference 1,861

MADRID, October 1, 1872.

[Page 589]

Comparative statement of the number of slaves in this province, as shown by the census of 1872, and that of 1871.

Departments. Census 1871. Census 1872. Decrease.
Capital 3,996 3,825 171
Arecibo 2,973 2,801 172
Aguadilla 3,136 3,033 103
Mayagüez 6,750 6,323 427
Ponce 7,542 7,238 304
Guayama 5,260 4,728 532
Humacao 3,205 3,093 112
Total 32,862 31,041 1,821

Porto Rico, July 22, 1872.

Note.—The total of the census of 1871 should be 32,903 instead of 32,862. The difference is explained by the fact that 41 slaves are either in prison or in the almshouse. These were not included in the census, their names not appearing in the register, but only as emancipated.

Table showing the number of slaves who on the 31st of December, 1871, were fugitives, or serving out sentence, or demanding civil rights.

Departments. Fugitives In prison serving out sentence. Demanding civil rights. Total.
1. Capital 84 45 6 135
2. Arecibo 42 1 43
3. Aguadilla 27 2 29
4. Mayagüez 112 2 114
5. Ponce 153 153
6. Guayama 52 8 69
7. Humacao 106 13 110
Total 576 45 32 653

Table showing the decrease in the number of slaves, from all causes, according to the census of September 1, of the present year.

On account of voluntary manumission 553
On account of compulsary manumission 40
On account of purpose of freedom 38
On account of death 185
Total 516

Table showing the number of slaves who, according to their cedulas, have attained the age of fifty-nine years, which number should be counted as a decrease in the rectification of the census to be published December 1, of the present year.

[Page 590]
Departments. Slaves.
1. Capital 30
2. Arecibo 17
3. Aguadilla 5
4. Mayagüez 23
5. Ponce 39
6. Guayama 40
7. Hamacao 23
Total 177

Table showing the amount of fines imposed on account of violations of the regulations in regard to slaves from the month of October, 1871, up to date.

On account of offenses committed by functionaries 828
For infraction of laws and regulations 8,200
Fines remitted, which are deducted 6,250
Amount of fines paid 2,778

Porto Rico, July 22, 1872

The 6,250 pesetas which appear under the head of remitted fines are a fine of 6,000 pesetas imposed upon Dona Marciala Sanchez for infraction of article 87 of the regulations concerning slaves. This lady not having the means to pay it, and there being no purchaser for the four negroes who were taken from her, they were set at liberty. The remaining 250 are the half of the fine imposed upon the registrar of Ponce, which was remitted from motives of equity.

Table showing the decrease from all causes, as shown by the census of the present year compared with that of the past.

Departments. Set free by voluntary manumission. Set free by compulsory manumission. Liberated by purchase of freedom. Decrease by death. Decrease in consequence of removal. Persons whose claims are pending. Not entered in the census of 1872. Total.
Capital 14 5 13 29 69 41 171
Arecibo 52 5 20 44 33 2 16 172
Aguadilla 68 1 32 2 103
Mayagüez 68 24 45 290 427
Ponce 190 20 129 26 126 491
Guayama 67 25 84 79 277 532
Humacao 38 23 15 36 112
Total 497 34 79 386 224 2 786 2,008

Porto Rico, July 22, 1872.

Note.—The difference which is observed in the department of Ponce, where the decrease amounts to 491, whereas it should be 304, is due to the fact that by transfers from other places the returns of the previous year were increased by 187, which added to 7,542 forms a total of 7,729, from which if we deduct 7,238, the figures shown by the returns of the present year, there is a difference of 491, which is the decrease in that department, the real decrease in the number of slaves being 182, as is proved.

[Inclosure C in No. 471.—Translation.]

The superior civil government of the island of Porto Rico has informed this ministry that the owners of slaves whose names appear in the following list have manumitted the slaves mentioned in the same; and His Majesty the King (whom God preserve) has ordered that thanks be presented in his royal name to the said owners.

[Page 591]

List of owners who have voluntarily manumitted slaves.

Don Ramon Irizarry y Nazario, his slave Monserrate.

Doña Margarita Alers, residing in Añasco, six: slaves belonging to her.

D. Miguel Rodriguez, residing in Sabana la Grande, his slave José Dolores.

D. José Antonio Amaral, his slave Maria Domingo.

D. Francisco J. Gonzalez, of La Moca, his slave Juana.

D. Manuel Solistra, of Aguadilla, his slave Manuela.

D. Juan Buzó, of Naguabo, his slave Pedro.

D. Antonio Arana, of Arecibo, his slave Ignacia.

Doña Belen Torres, of Vega, her slave Ana Maria.

D. Amhrosio Angleró, of San German, his slave Catalina.

Doño Juana E. Goicœchea, of Quehradillas, her slave Petrona.

D. Juan Ferrer, of San German, his slave Leonor.

D. Sera fin Noya, of Humacao, his slave Natalia.

D. Pablo J. Curbelo, of Hatillo, his slave Clemencia.

D. Francisco Prieto, of Ponce, his slave Jacinto.

D. Bernardino Fernandez Sanjurjo, D. Gabriel Pitar Cabrera, and D. Maximo de los Santos Gil, their slaves Juliana Arizabalo, Adelina, and Cármen.

D. Eduardo Quiñones, of San German, his slaves Eustaquio, Tomás, José, Dolores, and Carlos.

Dona Maria Asuncion Vizcarrondo, of San German, her slave Fabras.

The nephews of Llera é Isla, of Cayey, their slave Sabina.

Doña Juana Francisca de la Fuente, of Arroyo, their slave Marcelina.

D. Jaime Iglesias, of Quebradillas, his slave Teodoro.

D. José Maria Nazario and the Nazario estate, their slave Ramon Gonzales.

D. Juan B. Isern, of the capital, his slaves Angel and Ramon.

Doña Carlota Colon, of Arecibo, her slave Belen.

[Inclosure D in No. 471].

Mr. Sickles to Mr. Gassett.


Sir: I thank you sincerely for the statistics showing the particulars of the slave population of Cuba and Porto Rico, which I had the pleasure to receive from you on Friday. I observe that the returns for Cuba are for 1869, while those for Porto Rico are Drought down to 1872. Allow me to suggest that it would he well, in order to assure yourself of the faithful execution of the law of 1870, to have returns annually from Cuba. Deducting all horn since September, 1868, and those who passed sixty years of age after July, 1870, together with the emancipadors, the returns from Cuba for 1872 ought to show a considerable reduction in the number of slaves as compared with 1869.

Sincerely yours,