No. 386.
Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Fish.

No. 13.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the International Statistical Congress was formally closed yesterday by the Grand Duke Constantine, who delivered a short address. The congress has done much excellent work, and its proceedings have been calculated to advance the cause of statistical and economical science by trying to secure uniformity and accuracy in the methods of collecting and publishing statistics. It would be impossible for any government to be more hospitable than the Russian government was on this occasion, and the delegates of the different countries are very well satisfied with their reception here.

Before the close of the congress yesterday there was a discussion as to the place for the next meeting. A Hungarian delegate offered the congress, in the name of the Emperor Francis Joseph, an official invitation to meet at Pesth in 1875. Another invitation was received from Switzerland. As I had not received a reply to my telegram of August 24, the delegation of the United States did not feel authorized to invite the congress to America in the name of the Government, but Mr. Young read to the congress a letter sent by the Centennial Commission, inviting the congress to hold its next session in Philadelphia in 1876, adding that they would be warmly received by the whole American people. Mr. Young explained that it was impossible for him to give an official invitation on behalf of his Government, because for that the assent of the Congress of the United States was necessary, and that body was not now in session. He therefore asked that the question of the time and place of the next meeting be referred to the committee of organization with power to act, and that in the meanwhile he would try to obtain the official invitation which the congress thought necessary.

After some discussion, the proposition of Mr. Young was adopted, and the matter was left in the hands of the committee.

I have, &c,

Chargé d’ffaires ad int.