No. 202.
Mr. Francis to Mr. Fish.

No. 66.]

Sir: Referring to your dispatch No. 35, I have the honor to report that I had an interview with the King on the 29th instant, and delivered to His Majesty the letter from the President of the United States in reply to one from him announcing the birth of a prince.

The King desired me to convey to President Grant his thanks for the good words of his letter.

Alluding to the reported reduction of the tariff duty on dried currants by the Congress of the United States, His Majesty said he felt very grateful for this act, which was a great boon to Greece, and he believed It would also redoundto the advantage of the United States.

In the course of the conversation the King said that at no time since he had occupied his present place was the situation of affairs in Greece more favorable than at present. The business of the country is larger than ever before, its commerce had considerably increased during the past year, there is no brigandage to disturb industry, and, he said, “We are making some progress.”

I am, &c., &c,