No. 173.
Mr. Case to Mr. Fish.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 31st ultimo, addressed to the Secretary of the Navy, regarding the necessity of the Yantic visiting Zanzibar, for the purpose of carrying out the instructions given to her commanding officer, to communicate with the Imaum of Muscat, in reference to the slave-trade.
Although the diversion of the Yantic from a direct course, in order to visit Zanzibar, will much delay her voyage to the Asiatic station, the Department will instruct her commanding officer, in accordance with your wishes, to proceed to that point.
The Yantic left our waters on the 28th ultimo, and it will be, therefore, necessary to telegraph her at Gibraltar, which will be done through the United States consul at that place, and it is hoped the telegram will reach her there.
Very respectfully, &c,
Acting Secretary of the Navy.