No. 159.
Mr. Holt to Mr. Fish.


Schooner James Bliss, of Gloucester, seized by cutter Stella Marie, on 18th, off Anticosti, for alleged in-shore fishing, arrived here 20th. [Page 202] Lachance, commander of cutter, after landing and going on board again, ordered flags hoisted as reported, and the Union was upside down. Immediately interviewed Lachance, remonstrated and objected as insulting to United States. He said he acted by orders; meant no insult. Offense repeated next morning, but American flag not upside down. Lavoie, senior of Lachance, arrived; directed his attention to spectacle of flags, desired him to rectify fault; agreed to, but about thirty minutes after vessel sailed for Quebec with flags flying. Captain of schooner originally from Nova Scotia. Did not desire consul’s assistance; reported to consul-general and consul at Quebec. Believe Lachance was encouraged to act by shore influence, but respectable people express regret.

G. H. HOLT, Consul