E. R. Wing to Mr. Fish
Sir: In addition to the inclosure in my dispatch 137, I herewith forward two articles taken from a Guayaquil paper concerning the cundurango.
[Page 264]No. 1 is a letter by a pharmacist of Guayaquil, of whose personal skill and aptitude I know nothing, but I inclose it nevertheless.
No. 2 is a communication from the surgeon-in-chief of the government hospital, who is reputed to be a gentleman of decided ability in his profession.
I particularly commend this last in closure to perusal, as it contains matter relative to the exportation and sale of the cundurango, which had occurred to me as possible heretofore, (see my dispatch No. 137,) and which should render purchasers, if these statements are not erroneous, exceedingly careful in securing the article.
Having called attention to it because I believed it to be my duty to do so, I have no interest in the matter beyond that of seeing it patiently and fully tested. But that I do most earnestly wish to see, and such a test cannot, of course, be made, unless the real cundurango is obtained.
I learn that it exists in large quantities throughout Southern Ecuador, and there is no reason why purchasers need permit themselves to be deceived by a spurious article, if any such should at anytime unfortunately reach the American markets.
I do not forward a translation of Dr. Chiriboga’s communication, as, owing to the medical terms used, and the variety of tests, suggested therein, I would prefer than the translator of the Department should make it for the sake of absolute certainty and accuracy.
Allow me to suggest that it be made public at once.
I have, &c.,