No. 2.

By order of his excellency the President of the republic, and for the consequent ends, I have the honor to remit the original of the dispatch sent to the commanding general of the district by the inspector of the military hospital.


To the Secretary of the Interior.

[Page 263]


Sir: In the month of May, of last year, I received a few pounds of “cundurango” through the authorities, to experiment with. For fourteen months I have been assaying the properties of this new vegetable, not only in the establishment under my charge, but also in private practice, and I am happy to communicate to your excellency that this plant will do in a very short time better service than the quinine that is extracted from the woods of the favored province of Loja.

I commenced my experiments with various internal complaints, obtaining admirable results in several cases of rheumatism, neuralgia, and otalgia, as also in a case of eczema, after having employed all the other means advised without any good results.

In the cancer, before and after the ulceration, the “cundurango” is the most powerful agent, and can be qualified as the specific for this horrible scourge.

On one of the most notable persons of the country, whom I treated during the fearful duration of a cancer of the tongue that had destroyed more than half of this organ, prescribing this plant under different forms and combinations, I have obtained a splendid triumph, “the complete disappearance of the cancer,” together with the conjunction of diathesis and swellings that made a deformity of all the base of the jawbone and neck, but had the misfortune to lose the patient in consequence of a sudden relapse of disease that had troubled him for several years; an access of asthma which gave rise to asphyxia that carried him off in an hour during the convalescency of a fever that he had contracted some time after having made “a radical cure of the cancer.”

At present I have under my charge a lady very well known, who had a cancer upon the left breast which has been reproduced in two points of the enormous scar, and having been recommended by various persons to undergo a new operation, preferred my care, and I obtained what will be in fifteen days a complete cure.

Two cases more I have to refer to, in which if I have not obtained entire success, it has been on account of special circumstances of the patients, but in them I have proved the sure and efficacious action of the “cundurango.” Later I will give a more detailed report of the action of the “cundurango” and of its results, with documentary proof that will convince all, even to the most incredulous. I regret, however, that my field of observation is so reduced.

It is just that the sons of the country profit by these providential discoveries, and that in honor of the nation to take part, without expecting everything from abroad.

Now the exportation commences with furore, hotly disputing the speculations, causing fraud to intervene, as they export portions of the vine, sell it at high prices without its being the true cundurango.

I hope that soon the genius of our chief magistrate will take the necessary measures to avoid these consecutive evils to the advantage of the country, and so that this splendid discovery will not suffer the attacks to which the scandalous falsifications of several speculators will give rise.


To the General commanding the district.


By order of his excellency the president of the republic, the original of the dispatch of the inspector of the military hospitals of that place was remitted to the war office, for the consequent ends to which it may give rise relative to the effect produced by the vegetable “cundurango,” accompanying your esteemed communication No. 12.


To the Commanding General of the district of Guayaquil.