No. 192.

Mr. Fish to Baron Gerolt

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 23d instant, announcing that Mr. Von Schlozer, late minister resident of the North German Union in Mexico, has been appointed your successor to represent the government of his Majesty the Emperor of Germany near this Government, and that, having received permission for that purpose, you intend to leave here prior to the arrival of Mr. Von Schlozer, after having presented Mr. Von Alvensleben as chargé d’affaires ad interim.

In reply, I have the honor to express, on behalf of the President, his disappointment that, owing to his absence from the city, he will be obliged to forego the usual ceremony of parting with you. He, however, directs me to express his poignant regret that you should relinquish the high trust which you have so long, so faithfully, and so honorably discharged in this capital, a regret which will be deeply shared by your many friends. His best wishes will attend you. I shall not fail to make known to him the kind sentiments which you express towards him and toward the people of this country—sentiments which I am sure that he cordially reciprocates in respect to the Emperor and people of Germany. If you will call here at twelve o’clock to-morrow, I will receive you, in order that you may present Baron Alvensleben.

I avail myself of this occasion, &c.,