No. 191.

Baron Gerolt to Mr. Fish

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that, according to a telegram received from the acting chancellor of the German Empire, Mr. Von Schlozer, late minister resident of the North German Union at the republic of Mexico, has been appointed my successor to represent the government of His Majesty the Emperor of Germany near the Government of the United States, and that at the same time I have been allowed to leave Washington before the arrival of my successor, after having presented to you the secretary of this legation, Mr. Von Alvensleben, as chargé d’affaires ad interim.

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I have fixed my departure at the beginning of next month, but having been informed that you will leave Washington for some time, and that I may not be allowed to take my leave from his Excellency the President during his absence from this city, I respectfully request you to present to his Excellency the sentiments of my highest respect and of my sincere wishes for his welfare and for the happiness of the people and the many friends of this country, where I had the honor to represent my august sovereign and the interests of my country for the best part of my life.

I also avail myself of this occason to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.