No. 186.

Baron Gerolt to Mr. Fish

The note of the Hon. Hamilton Fish, of the 9th of January last, to the undersigned, in relation to the treatment of American merchant vessels by North German vessels of war after the revocation of the declaration of the North German government of July 19, 1870, asked:

“Whether vessels of the United States were to continue at liberty to transport contraband of war without liability to seizure, in accordance with the terms of the notice communicated to the undersigned on the 19th of July last?”

The undersigned therefore inquired of his government concerning this matter on the 20th of January last, and has this day received the following telegraphic dispatch from Count Bismarck:

“Our action in relation to American vessels is, of course, governed by the treaty of 1799. A written reply will be sent.”

This reply will doubtless contain a full discussion of the question raised by the honorable Secretary of State, and the undersigned will not fail to communicate the same to the honorable Secretary in due time.

The undersigned has the honor, &c.