No. 185.

Baron Gerolt to Mr. Fish.

The undersigned, envoy and minister plenipotentiary of the North German Union, has had the honor to receive the note of the Hon. Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State of the United States, of the 19th instant, and has thereby seen, with regret, that his understanding of the meaning of the telegram from the chancellor of the Union, of July 19, 1870, mentioned in his note of the 16th instant, does not agree with the Hon. Hamilton Fish’s interpretation of the same, and that he does not seem to have correctly understood the inquiry made in the note of the 14th instant.

The undersigned has already, on the 16th instant, reported this matter to his government, and asked for instructions concerning the interpretation [Page 407] of the two telegrams from Count von Bismarck, the one of July 19, of last year, and the other of the 13th of the present month, and has requested that a reply may be sent to him by telegraph.

The undersigned therefore hopes soon to be enabled to answer the inquiry made by the honorable Secretary of State in his note of the 19th instant, and he avails himself of this occasion, &c.