Mr. Williams to Mr. Seward

No. 7.]

Sir: Since writing my despatch No. 6, January 26th, I have read the official report of the minister of foreign relations, made recently to the legislative chambers.

I find some matters introduced into this report which are not mentioned in the President’s message, to wit:

1st. That this government has accepted an invitation of the President of the United States of Colombia to send a representative to the proposed new congress of plenipotentiaries of the South American republics.

2d. That a project is in contemplation for admission, free of duty, of all articles of commerce of the growth and product of the Central and South American States, on condition of complete reciprocity for similar products of this republic.

The minister, alluding to the project of such a law about to be introduced, as he understands, by some members of the legislative chambers, judiciously says: “It will be necessary to draught such a law with mature deliberation, and with reference to the obligations of existing treaties with other countries.”

3d. That the ratifications of a treaty made with Spain last year have been exchanged.

The legislative chambers have as yet acted finally upon no new measure.

I have the honor to be, with much respect, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.