Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey
Sir: Your despatches, numbered 89, 90, and 93, of September 22d and of October 14th, have been received.
Accept my thanks for the important information and reflections with which these despatches are replete as to the state of political affairs on the Pacific. The serious riot at Arequipa, on the 11th of September, causing so much bloodshed, is deeply to be lamented.
The delicate state of the relations existing between Peru and Chili, growing, as you presume, out of the war with Spain, should it terminate, as you apprehend, in serious troubles between the two republics, would be regretted by all the friends of democratic institutions.
I am pleased to find that in your No. 93, of October 14tsh, you have reason to believe that the revolution is not sufficiently formidable to cause you to lose your faith in the success of President Prado’s expedition.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Alvin P. Hovey, Esq., &c., &c., &c.