Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward

No. 74.]

Sir: The annexed law, with translation, in relation to the question of peace between Peru and Spain, will be read by you with interest. Its provisions, if carried into effect, must inevitably suspend ail action for peace for months, and possibly for years to come.

[Page 770]

The feeling in Peru is adverse to any adjustment until Spain retires from the present contest, abandoning all claims, public or private.

The port of Callao, now, with proper defence, could, in my opinion, resist successfully the combined fleet of Spain; and the people and government here are anxious that a second attack should be made.

I have the honor to be, with great respect, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.


Department of War and the Navy.

Mariano I. Prado, provisional President of the republic, since congress has decreed the following law:

The annexed law is resolved by the constituent congress :

Article 1. The executive power will continue the war with the government of Spain until the legislative power may otherwise resolve.

Art. 2. The executive power cannot initiate, on its part, negotiations which may tend to suspend or terminate the state of war. Neither can it sign treaties or the preliminaries of treaties with Spain without the corresponding instructions from congress.

Art. 3. The law of the 9th of September, 1864, is hereby annulled, and all other laws of the republic which may be contrary to this.

Given in the halls of congress, in Lima, the 21st of May, 1867.


Ambrosio Becerril, L. Garcia, Secretaries.

The Provisional President of Peru.

Therefore this law must be executed, archived, and published.


Mariano Pio Cornejo.


Department of War and Marine.

Mariano I. Prado, provisional President of the republic.

The constituent congress has passed the following law:

Article 1. The executive power shall continue the war against the government of Spain till the legislative power passes a contrary resolution.

Art. 2. The executive power shall not initiate, on his part, any negotiations tending to suspend or put an end to the state of war. Neither shall he sign treaties or preliminaries of treaties with Spain without proper instructions from the legislative power.

Art. 3. The law of the 9th September, 1864, and all other laws of the republic contrary to the present law, are hereby repealed.

Let this be made known to the executive power for his observance.

Done at Lima on the 21st of May, 1867.


Ambrosio Becerril, L. Garcia, Secretaries.

The Provisional President of the Republic.

Let this law be recorded, promulgated, and obeyed.


Mariano Pio Cornejo.