Mr. Seward to Mr. Washburn

No. 59.]

Sir: Your despatch of the 22d of October, No. 74, has been received. Your determination to proceed to Asuncion in the manner therein mentioned is approved. The President sanctions the direction which was given by Admiral Godon to Commander Crosby, of the Shamokin, not to take on board any Paraguayan on his voyage to or from Asuncion. This government owes it to the belligerents, as well as to its own dignity, to abstain from everything which could be, or even could appear to be, a departure from neutrality in the unhappy contest which is going on between Paraguay and her allied enemies. You will be expected to conform your proceedings rigidly to the principle of non-interference.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Charles A. Washburn, Esq., &c., &c., &c.