Mr. Romero to Mr. Hunter
Mr. Acting Secretary of State: I have had the honor to receive the communication you were pleased to address me to-day, informing me that persons interested in trade with the port of Libertad, in the State of Sonora, and particularly citizens of California, have requested your department to solicit from the Mexican government the opening of said port to foreign commerce. For that purpose you request me to call the attention of my government to the matter, expressing, at the same time, the desire that the adoption of the measure may accord with the convenience of Mexico.
I have the honor to say to you, in reply, that I this day transmit a copy and translation of your note to the department of foreign relations of the Mexican republic, and, so soon as I receive an answer from my government, I will communicate it to your department.
I profit by the occasion to renew to you the assurances of my distinguished consideration.
Hon. William Hunter, &c., &c., &c.