Mr. Romero to Mr. F. W. Seward
Mr. Assistant Secretary of State: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the note which you were pleased to address to me, of yesterday’s date, enclosing a copy of a communication from Hon. Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of the Treasury, of the 22d, in relation to the steamer which has been placed at the disposal of the wife of President Juarez, for the purpose of conveying her from New Orleans to Vera Cruz.
I have this day communicated your note, referred to, to Mrs. Juarez, and the document annexed thereto, and she requests me to express her thanks to you for the attention which you have shown in transmitting to her the letter of the Secretary of the Treasury, and to inform you that in the course of the week she expects to set off for New Orleans.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you, sir, the assurances of my distinguished consideration.
Hon. F. W. Seward, &c., &c., &c.