Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward
June 19, 1867.
M. Romero presents his compliments to Mr. Seward, and has the honor
to enclose to him translations of extracts from a letter dated at
Casa Mata, on the 7th instant, containing information about the
trial of Maximilian.
My Dear Sir: * * * * *
From the interior we hear that the government ordered a
suspension on Maximilian’s trial, with a view to give time to
Baron Magnus and Maximilian’s counsel, Don Mariano Riva Palacio,
Don Rafael Martinez de la Torre, and Don Eulalio Ortega, who had
already left Mexico, to reach Queretaro.
From Tacubaya we hear that the campaign in Mexico should end
during this week.
* * * * * *
Yours, respectfully