Mr Seward to Mr. Romero
Department of State,
June 14,1867.
Mr. Seward presents his compliments to Mr. Romero, and has the honor
to enclose a copy of a telegram of the 8th instant from the United
States consul at Vera Cruz.
[Telegram, via Pensacola, June 13,
1867.—Received at Department of State, June 14, 1867.]
Mr. Saulnier to Mr. Seward
Consulate of the United States of
Vera Cruz,
June 8, 1867.
Hon. William H, Seward :
Sir: General Santa Anna and staff—four
officers—arrived here on the 3d instant from New York. Santa
Anna landed in the castle San Juan de Ulloa the same evening. On
the 5th instant he was forcibly placed on board the Virginia
again. This day he leaves here on board the Virginia. Letters
per mail.
E. H. SAULNIER, United States