
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward

The minister of the Mexican republic has had the honor to receive the note, of this day’s date, which the honorable Secretary of State of the United States of America has pleased to address to him, enclosing a copy of a communication from the consul general of the United States at Tampico, dated the 6th of May last, with which he sends a despatch that General M. Cuesta, political chief of the southern district of Tamaulipas, on the 22d of February previous, addressed to him, asking aid from the United States to defend that port against invasion by rebels to the Mexican government.

The expedition which, in February last, was about to move on Tampico did not take effect, and the rebels were, on the other hand, in such condition that it would not be possible for them to undertake it. Besides, even if the Mexican government might think it convenient to solicit, in any manner, the aid of the United States, it would certainly do so of itself and through persons specially authorized, because, in accordance to the constitution of Mexico, it belongs exclusively to the federal government to have understandings with foreign nations.

The minister of Mexico will transmit to his government the memorandum from the honorable Secretary of State and the documents annexed to it.

Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.