Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward
My Dear Sir: Since the interview I Lad with you this morning, referring to the rumored execution of Mr. Carman, United States consul at Mazatlan, and the subsequent bombardment of that city by a United States gunboat, I have again examined carefully the telegraphic despatches from New Orleans of January 28th, and from San Francisco of January 29th, instant, which I enclose in slips herewith.
From these it will appear that, under the most favorable circumstances, no advices could be obtained from Mazatlan and reach the city of Mexico prior to the 15th of January, allowing the extremely short time of six days to come from Mazatlan to the city of Mexico; while direct dates received at San Francisco from Mazatlan of January 18th contradict the rumor. I cannot, therefore, give credit to the story, and believe it to be a fabrication, like the reported shooting of General Escobedo a short time ago.
Should I receive anything more definite relating to the subject I will hasten to communicate it to you. Meanwhile, hoping that no such unfortunate affair has occurred, I renew to you my sincere regards.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.