
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward

Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to transmit to you copies of the notes from Mr. Lerdo de Tejada, minister of foreign relations of the Mexican republic, dated in Chihuahua the 9th of December, and in Durango the 27th of the same month, numbered 544 and 545, respectively, informing me of the transfer of the constitutional government of Mexico from Chihuahua to Durango on the 10th of December mentioned, and its arrival in the latter city on the 26th.

I am pleased to have this occasion to repeat to you, Mr. Secretary, the assurances of my most distinguished consideration.


Hon. WilliaiM H. Seward, &c., &c, &c.,


Department of Foreign Relations and Government–Department of Relations–Section America, number 544.

To-morrow the government will leave this city for Durango, and I will duly communicate to you the day of arrival there.

I have previously informed you how you can direct your future correspondence.

I assure you of my respecttul consideration.


Citizen Romero, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary.

[Page 521]

Administration of Foreign Relations and Government–Department of Relations–Section America, number 545.


As I announced to you from Chihuahua on the 9th day of this month, the citizen President of the republic set off from there on the 10th, arriving here yesterday evening.

Here and in all the towns on the way he was received by the generality of the inhabitants with most patriotic demonstrations of attachment and respect for the first magistrate of the republic and representative of the national cause.

When the President may determine to go to any other place that may be convenient in view of circumstances, I will promptly communicate to you for your information.

I assure you of my very respectful consideration.


Citizen Romero, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary.