I avail of the occasion to repeat to you, sir, the assurances of my
distinguished consideration.
Mr. Edward Lee Plumb,
Chargé d’ Affaires of the U. S. of America in
The citizen President of the republic, in the exercise of the
full powers with which he has been invested, has pleased to
accede to the application of the government of the United States
of America, presented by its charge d’affaires at this capital,
that he would permit the free transit of provisions and effects
of the said government which may be imported through the port of
Guaymas, destined for the army of the United States in
For the better comprehension of the antecedent concession, I send
you a copy of the official note, which for such purpose was
addressed through the department of foreign relations to the
chargé d’affaires of the United States of America at this
capital; and in order to avoid abuses which might be committed
by persons strangers to that government, you will have to take
the following precautions:
1. On arrival of the effects at the port, they will be deposited
in the public warehouses belonging to the districts.
2. When on the way to their destination the packages shall be
sealed, and the route being fixed upon, you may give the
correspondent permit.
3. That the route indicated may be followed out, the officers on
the transit will care that the proper documents are filed, and
the last, that on the frontier, will issue the correspondent
4. The provisions or effects to which this order relates shall
come covered by a document issued by the collector of the
customs at that port in the United States from which they come,
expressing that they belong to the government of the United
States, and the object for which they are sent.
This requisite will be exacted from the 1st of April of next
year, and if before that date there shall reach this port some
vessels with effects in transit to Arizona, upon affidavit sworn
to, and with the precautions mentioned in the third preliminary,
transit to the final destination may be permitted, making return
thereof to this department.
5. After the 1st of April of next year, effects which may arrive
without the requisite spoken of in the fourth proviso, shall be
kept in deposit in the public warehouse until report is made to
the supreme government, that it may decide what is proper to be
All which I communicate to you according to superior orders for
your information and more exact compliance.
Independence and liberty!
October 30,
(In consequence of sickness of the citizen minister,)
The Collector of the Customs
(maritime) at Guaymas.