Mr. Plumb to Mr.
No. 27.]
Legation of the United States,
City of Mexico,
October 31, 1867.
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a
copy of a note addressed to me by M. Farine, in charge of French
interests here, received yesterday, in which he officially asks my
confirmation of the document referred to in my despatch No. 18, of the
18th instant, a copy of which he also encloses with his note.
I have replied to M. Farine that having to await new instructions upon
the general subject involved, I am unable to act in the premises at
present. A copy of my reply is also transmitted herewith.
I have desired to manifest every courtesy to M. Farine, not only because
be appears to be a very discreet person, every way worthy of confidence,
but from motives of deference to the country whose interests are in his
Trusting my action in this matter will meet with your approval, I am,
very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Sewabd,
Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
M. Farine to Mr. Plumb
French Legation in Mexico,
City of Mexico,
October 29, 1867.
Mr. Charge d’Affaires: I have the honor to
send you a copy of the decision by which Mr. Otterbourg has
authorized me, who am commissioned by the French minister to attend
to the business of French residents in Mexico, to sign for him all
acts, papers, and documents needed in the office of the French
The language of Mr. Otterbourg’s decision will give you his reasons
for transferring his ocmmission to me; so I will only further ask
you to confirm the decision.
My best respects.
A. FARINE, Chief Clerk in the French
Mr. E. Plumb,
U. S. Chargé to Mexico.
[Page 469]
United States Legation in
July 10, 1867.
Whereas the French minister in Mexico, before quitting the
capital, placed all French subjects under our protection, and
formed a special bureau for the despatch of their business; and
knowing that the documents relating to them in said bureau must
be delivered in our name, and under our signature:
Therefore, to prevent any undue delay in that business, we
appoint Mr. A. G. Farine, chief clerk of the French legation, to
sign for us all documents required by French subjects.
Extraordinary, &c., of the U. S. of
Mr. Plumb to M. Farine
Legation of the United States,
City of Mexico,
October 31, 1867.
Sir: I have had the honor to receive the
note, under date of the 29th instant, with which you have been
pleased to enclose to me a copy of a paper prepared by Mr.
Otterbourg, late minister to Mexico, regarding which you desire
action at my hands as the present representative of the United
States in this country.
In reply I am obliged to state that having to await new instructions
upon the general subject involved, I am unable to act in the matter
at present, but will hasten to transmit your note with its enclosure
to the Secretary of State at Washington, in order that I may receive
his especial instructions in the premises.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
E. L. PLUMB, Chargé d’ Affaires ad interim
of the United States.
M. A. Farine,
Chief du Bureau de la Chancellerie de la
Legation de France, Mexico.