Mr. Seward to Mr. Plumb
Sir: A copy of a letter of General Grant to this department of 13th ultimo, and of that of the Quartermaster General to which it refers, are herewith transmitted. You will make application to the Mexican government for the privilege of transporting United States army supplies by land from Guaymas or Libertad to Arizona Territory. The application is made necessary by the fourth article of the treaty with Mexico of the 30th December, 1853. The obligations of the United States in respect to restraining Indians from their territory in making depredations on Mexicans and their property, render it necessary to keep a considerable [Page 454] military force in Arizona Territory. It is consequently presumed that the Mexican government will see the propriety of extending any proper facilities for the supply of that force.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Edward L. Plumb, Esq., &c., &c., &c.