Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. F. W. Seward
No. 5.]
Legation of the United States,
City of Mexico,
August 9, 1867.
Sir: The French minister, accompanied by the
members of his legation and the Italian charge d’affaires, left this
capital yesterday with the intention of returning to Europe via the
United States.
A party composed of about two hundred destitute French families and
single men preceded their departure a few days previously.
The little progress made in the organization of the several departments
of the administration has given grounds to general discontent, and the
press is already
[Page 446]
against, as they are pleased to call it, the procrastination of
President Juarez.
The financial condition of the country is more than ordinarily
embarrassed, and it is to be feared that the government will encounter
difficulties in sustaining its credit should it be limited to the
resources and contributions recurred to by Mexican ministers under the
provisions of law.
Enclosure No. 1 is a copy of a note from the charge d’affaires of Italy,
asking the protection of the United States for Italian subjects resident
in Mexico.
Enclosure No. 2 is a copy of the reply thereto, stating to what extent my
good offices would be exerted in their behalf.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. F. W. Seward,
Assistant Secretary of State Washington, D.
Mr. Curtopassi to Mr. Otterbourg
Legation of Italy,
City of Mexico,
July 31, 1867.
Mr. Minister: Recent events in Mexico
having caused a rupture of relations between this country and Italy,
forcing me to leave for Europe in a few days, I now ask you to offer
your protection to the subjects of his Majesty the King, my august
sovereign, living here, and commend them to your benevolence.
I hope you will comply with my request, to which I am encouraged by
the friendly relations existing between the United States and
According to verbal agreement, I have the honor to send yon a sealed
package containing the archives of the legation, begging you will
keep them in your office till the government of the King can dispose
of them.
Thanking you in advance for all that you may do for my countrymen, I
take the occasion to renew to you the assurance of my distinguished
His Excellency Marcus Otterbourg,
Envoy Extraordinary, &c., &c.,
&c., of the United States of America.
Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. Curtopassi
Legation of the United States,
August 6, 1867.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note dated July
31, in which you express a desire, in consequence of your intended
departure from the country, that I take under my protection subjects
of his Majesty the King of Italy, resident in Mexico.
Your request shall be communicated to the government at Washington;
but, while awaiting the corresponding instructions, I will with
pleasure extend to Italian subjects the aid and countenance which
would, under equal circumstances, be given to American citizens.
The trunk upon which is placed your official seal containing archives
of the Italian legation, and which you have been pleased to intrust
to the safeguard of this office, as appears upon its records, will,
on duly authorized demand, be delivered to the agents of his Majesty
the King of Italy.
With assurances of high consideration,
MARCUS OTTERBOURG, Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary of the U. S. of
Hon. H. Curtopassi,
Chargé d’ Affaires of Italy, Mexico.