Mr. Van Valkenburgh to Mr. Seward
No. 24.]
Legation of the United States in
May 18, 1867.
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith No.
1, copy of a letter from the Gorogio, announcing the intention of the
Japanese government to send envoys to Corea, for the purpose therein set
forth. I transmit No. 2, copy of my reply.
This mission is expected to leave within a fortnight, and as soon as the
result shall be made known to me, I shall immediately report the same to
I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your most obedient
Hon. William H. Seward
Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
We have heard that recently there was war in Corea with the French,
and that a merchant vessel of the United States was treated with
great cruelty in the country.
Corea being the neighbor of Japan, with which friendly relations have
been maintained so long, the Tycoon feels much grieved at learning,
in view of the sincere friendship subsisting between Japan and the
United States, that a wrong has been perpetrated upon American
citizens, and he will not fail therefore to tender friendly advice
to Corea and to endeavor to induce that country, with due regard to
the friendship which should govern the intercourse between neighbors
to mend its course in future.
A letter on the subject will be sent to the king of that country, and
Hirayama Diurho No Kami and Koga Kingitshero will be directed to
address him in accordance therewith.
[Page 37]
And if, on reflection of the wrong that has been committed and
through our influence, he should sue for peace, we hope that the
flag of the United States will return; that retaliation will be
abandoned and the means for friendly intercouse be found.
We now request your excellency to communicate the foregoing to your
We have only to add, that it is of course uncertain whether the
Coreans will be dissuaded from persisting in their course. Yet it is
the wish of the Tycoon that no effort should be left untried, with
the object of promoting peace in this part of the world, and we
further request your excellency to use your best endeavor in the
same direction.
Stated with respect and consideration
the 7th day of the 4th month of the 3d year of Keu. 10th
May 1867.)
His Excellency R. B. Van Valkenburgh,
Minister Resident of the United
Mr. Van Valkenburgh to Ministers for Foreign Affairs
No. 43.]
Legation of the United States in
May 18, 1867.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the
10th instant, in which you announce your intention of sending envoys
to Corea; a copy of which letter I shall not fail to send to my
government by the earliest opportunity.
With respect and esteem,
R. B. VAN VALKENBURGH, Minister Resident
of the United States in Japan.
Their Excellencies the Ministers for Foreign
Osacca, &c., &c., &c.