Mr. Peck to Mr. Seward
Sir: In despatch No. 19, dated February 23d, 1867, I informed you that a serious but unsuccessful attempt at revolution occurred in this city on the night of February 22d, and in despatch No. 21, dated March 11th, I narrated sundry important events which grew out of the attempt. These events were a radical change in the ministry; a thorough change in the direction of economy and liberalism in the policy of the government; an amnesty for all political offenders, and an extraordinary convocation of the senate for Saturday next.
In the same despatch (No. 21) I informed you that these measures, intended to calm the public mind and to secure strength for President Geffrard, had utterly failed of their purpose, and that it was clear that, unless the President should abdicate and leave the country, there would be fearful convulsions.
I have now to inform you that President Geffrard took counsel of events, and last night at 3 o’clock, went in disguise, his family and several personal friends having preceded him, on board a French sloop-of-war which is to take him to Kingston, Jamaica.
The President, on leaving, put the executive power into the hands of the ministry, (a most excellent body of men,) assisted by a “committee of consultation,” which includes nine persons of standing who represent all the parties in the republic.
The town seems to have accepted the temporary government with good will, and thus far (3 p. m.) there has been perfect order. Disturbances may break out when other parts of the country are heard from, or when the senate makes an effort to elect a President on Saturday next. Still I hope and believe there will be none at any time.
The critical condition of affairs has for weeks kept everybody in the most harrowing suspense, and the present unexpected good order in the final moment makes occasion for the most fervent gratitude to Divine Providence.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.