Señores Gana and Medina to Mr. F. W. Seward
Mr. Assistant Secretary: The undersigned, the chargé d’affaires of Chili, and the chargé d’affaires ad interim of Peru, have had the honor to receive from the honorable Assistant Secretary of State of the United States his reply of the 24th of the current month to the note which the undersigned had the honor to address to him the day previous.
The undersigned are made acquainted by that note of the fact stated by Mr. Berthemy, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of his Majesty the Emperor of the French, near the government of your excellency, that the ironclad steamer Dunderberg has been purchased and paid for by the government he represents, and is to be delivered in the port of Cherbourg as a French man-of-war.
This respected assurance tends to relieve the fears of the undersigned that said vessel was to have been sold to Spain.
Kindly thanking his excellency the Assistant Secretary of State for devoting his diligent attention to this affair, the undersigned embrace this opportunity to offer him the earnest protests of their most high and distinguished consideration.
Hon. F. W. Seward, &c., &c., &c.