Mr. Seward to Mr.
No. 45.]
Department of State,
September 19, 1867.
Sir: I transmit herewith a copy of a letter,
dated the 17th instant, from J. W. Simonton, Esq., of New York, and
president of the “Hispano American Inter-Communication Company,”
organized for the purpose of placing the republics of Chili and Peru in
telegraphic communication with the United States, through the agency of
a submarine cable.
You are authorized to confer with Don Justo Arosemeña, the agent of said
company in Chili, and to aid him, through your good offices, in the
prosecution of his efforts to procure the assistance of the Chilian
government toward the consummation of this highly important enterprise,
without, however, compromising thereby any rights or interests of the
United States in the premises.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Judson Kilpatrick,
&c., &c., &c.
Mr. Simonton to Mr. Seward
Office of the New York Associated
New York,
September 17, 1867.
Dear Sir: The Hispano-American
Intercommunication Company has been organized with a view of
establishing telegraphic communication between Panama, New Grenada,
and the republics of Chili and Peru, by means of a deep-sea
The cable already laid between the coast of Florida and the island of
Cuba is designed, as you are aware, to be extended to the isthmus of
Darien at an early day. The completion of that work and the success
of our enterprise will put the several capitals of the United States
and Chili and Peru into almost instantaneous communication with each
The international advantages of such a work as this are so manifest
that I am sure the proposed enterprise will enlist your sympathies
and command your official aid, so far as in your judgment it can be
properly extended.
I take the liberty, therefore, of asking that the representatives of
the United States at the capitals of Chili and Peru may be
instructed to assist the agents of this company, so far as they
properly can, in obtaining from the government of those republics
concessions, and aid which are essential to facilitate the speedy
completion of our work.
Our agent at Santiago (de Chili) is Don Justo Arosemeña, an eminent
lawyer; and our agent at Lima is Don Mariano Arosemeña, each of whom
is well and favorably known to the governments within whose
jurisdiction they respectively reside.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. W. SIMONTON, President Hispano-American
and Intercommunication Co.
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.