Mr. Kilpatrick to Mr. Seward

No. 67.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of despatches Nos. 30 and 40, from the State Department.

The latter despatch, in which you announce that the reply of Chili to the proposal of mediation on the part of the United States, between the allied republics and Spain, had been forwarded to the Spanish government, was laid before the government of Chili at the earliest opportunity. In reply, Mr. Covarrubias simply acknowledges the receipt of the despatch without comment.

In concluding my correspondence on the subject of mediation, I have only to add that I do not perceive that Chili is any more disposed at the present time to any amicable adjustment of her difficulties with Spain, than she has been hitherto during the progress of the war.

I have the honor to remain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.