Mr. Seward to Mr. Kilpatrick
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch of the 1st of May, No. 49, together with a copy, which is thereunto annexed, of the reply of Mr. Covarrubias, on the part of Chili and her allies, to the proposal of this government for adjusting the difficulties between those belligerents and Spain. That paper has been submitted to the President of the United States.
I have the honor to inform you, first, that your judicious proceedings in submitting the propositions to the government of Chili are in all respects approved and highly commended.
2d. That this government will transmit a copy of the communication of Mr. Covarrubias to the government of Spain for its consideration, without argument in favor of the conditions and reservations upon which the allies insist, and equally without argument against those conditions and reservations.
3d. That it is exclusively for the government of Spain to determine whether it will accede to the conditions and reservations thus made by Chili and her allies.
4th. That if Spain shall accede to the conditions and reservations, Chili and her allies will be duly and promptly informed thereof by the government of the United States.
5th. If Spain declines so to accede, the proposal on the part of the United States may be considered as henceforth discontinued.
6th. In any event, however, the desire of the United States for an amicable and honorable adjustment of the difficulty will remain unabated, and upon any suggestion of either of the belligerents they will be renewed with the same zeal and the same impartiality which have hitherto governed the proceedings of the United States in regard to a controversy in which so many friendly nations, including four of the republican States of this continent, are so unhappily involved.
7th. No other communication upon the subject will be made to the government of Spain than the transmission of a copy of this despatch for the information of that power, and only this reply will be made by the United States to the allied republics. You will read this to Mr. Covarrubias and give him a copy if he desires it.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Judson Kilpatrick, &c., &c., &c.