Mr. Webb to Mr.
No. 28,]
Legation of the United States,
February 23, 1867.
Sir: I have the honor to enclose a translation
of a despatch from the Foreign Office, acknowledging the receipt of your
offer of mediation.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.
Senhor Albuquerque to Mr. Webb
No. 1.]
Ministerio dos Negocios
Rio de Janeiro,
January 31, 1867.
The undersigned, from the council of his Majesty the Emperor, his
minister and secretary of state for foreign affairs, received the
note which, on the 21st instant, General James Watson Webb, envoy
extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary from the United States of
America, did him the honor to forward.
General Webb encloses in his note a copy of a despatch from the
honorable Secretary of State of the United States, and expresses the
hope that the proposition contained in the
[Page 248]
honorable Secretary’s despatch, of a meeting
for a conference in Washington, with the view to put an end to the
war with Paraguay, will be accepted.
The government of his Majesty receive with gratitude this proof of
the friendly feelings of the United States, and will answer after
having consulted its allies.
For this reason the undersigned just now limits himself to
acknowledging the receipt of the note from General Webb, to whom he
reiterates assurances of his high consideration.