Mr. Seward to Señor Mitre y Vedia,

The undersigned, Secretary of State, has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a communication from Mr. Mitre of the 9th of July instant, in which [Page 244] communication Mr. Mitre makes known to the undersigned some opinions of the government of the Argentine Republic, in relation, first, to a letter which was addressed to the Argentine government, on the 10 th of April last, by Mr. Asboth; and secondly, to a letter which was heretofore addressed by Mr. C. A. Washburn, United States minister resident at Paraguay, to the Marquis of Caxias on the subject of a tender by the United States of their good offices in bringing to an end the war on the La Plata.

The undersigned being of opinion that the questions raised by Mr. Mitre will be considered with more convenience and advantage to both governments at Buenos Ayres than here, has given instructions to Mr. Asboth to communicate thereupon directly with the government of the Argentine Republic.

The undersigned entertains no doubt that such proceedings will prove entirely satisfactory to the Argentine government.

The undersigned avails himself of this occasion to offer to Mr. Mitre the assurance of his high consideration.


Señor Don B. Mitre y Vedia, &c., &c., &c.