
Señor Sarmiento to Mr. Seward

Mr. Secretary: My government, in communicating to me the notes it has exchanged with the honorable Charles A. Washburn, minister plenipotentiary of the United States, accredited near the government of Paraguay, says:

The government is pleased with the termination of the affair to which the notes refer, and which will be communicated to that government by General Asboth, who has already been received as minister resident by the government of the republic.

In giving you notice of this happy termination, I join my government in its congratulations, inasmuch as they are the expressions of the ardent desire to preserve the most benevolent relations with the government of the United States.

For the Argentine Republic, it would have been the most painful of the incidents that daily occurrences often bring about unexpectedly, to see itself forced to differ in the estimation of its causes or of its legitimacy. Fortunately every difficulty has been removed for the passage of the minister accredited near the government of Paraguay, and the suspense in which the minister plenipotentiary of Brazil and myself were left, after the interview you had the kindness to grant us, is happily concluded.

With assurances of the most high consideration, I have the honor to sign myself, your excellency’s most obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.