Mr. Seward to Mr. Asboth
Sir: I give you a copy of a communication which was addressed to this department on the 9th of July, instant, by Mr. B. Mitre, of Vidia, charge d’affaires of the Argentine Republic near this government. I have replied to Mr. Mitre that the subject which he presents can be treated of more profitably in Buenos Ayres than here, and that an instruction would be given you for that purpose.
[Page 205]I have now, therefore, to authorize and request you to put into the hands of Mr. Elizalde a copy of my despatch to you, No. 36, together with a note which you will write, and in which you will inform Mr. Elizalde that the said despatch No. 36 furnished what I trust will be sufficient explanation of the views of the President concerning the matter brought to the attention of this department by Mr. Mitre.
You will also say to Mr. Elizalde that I am aware that it is difficult to conduct a correspondence of mediation between belligerents without inadvertently giving offence to one or the other of the parties.
Conscious that every care has been taken by this government to avoid misapprehension, I must be excused from entering unnecessarily into collateral discussion.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Alexander Asboth, Esq., &c., &c., &c.